I think I mentioned a few days ago that I was interested in finding some train cars to shoot. Specifically the inside of some antique passenger cars. So I found a pretty neat museum about an hour away from my home, the Western Railway Museum (http://www.wrm.org). Very nice and helpful people there. The place isn't set up too well for photography though, there mission is about preserving and displaying the cars.
I'll put up some interior car shots another day, but in the meantime I was drawn to the side of this freight car. This was taken in their newest building, and you can see by the settings on my camera it was pretty dark in there. What interested me here was the size of the hardware - pretty stout - and of course the weathering. Most of the cars in this "car house" are from the 1910-20's. Time has taken it's toll on this car, but their new facility will stop time in its tracks for now (pardon the pun).
In the original, the coloring is a brighter yellow. I did some "Antiquing" to bring out the effect of the weathering.