Sony NEX-7, 18-200mm, f/5.6, 1/640, iso 100
First day of 2013! 2012 was a great year for me photographically. Three big trips: Cuba, Scotland/Ireland, and NYC. I got to do a lot of street photography on these trips, which was a growing experience for me.
I defiitely realized that I'm no longer "into" regular landscape photography. For many years here on the blog I have mentioned that I don't do "stands of trees" fall color shots, for example. With landscape, I find that I want to find interesting details, and present them in a unique way, one that hasn't been seen before.
I selected this image because it's kind of straddling this philosophical fence. Ho hum, another sunrise, right? But for me, this back lit fog-cloud, raises this image up from a standard landscape shot. I also selected it because it was from one of my great trips, this being Ireland (thanks John and Dan).
Within a few minutes of this shot, I got another unique one, that ended up being published in a book about Ireland light. I'll share that one one of these days.
I met some great new people this past year, which is important to me. I had my share of struggles as well. Life. You know How It Is.
I saw an article the other day that said "forget new year's resolutions, pick one word." I like that thought. The word I selected is "health." I mentioned in my Thanksgiving post some of the health things I have been going through. Without getting into details, I'll just say I'm really on an upswing. So health applies to both my physical and mental side, and I believe that is going well, thankfully! I'm grateful to several people that have helped me in this department.
And I believe growing as a photographic artist is important to my health as well. Thankfully I have a great day job (financial health), that will keep me busy this year. I only have one big photography trip planned right now, but I'm sure I'll work some smaller trips in. And hopefully grow my photographic eye and my skills.
All the best to my friends and blog readers this coming year. Cheers to your health as well.
And... what is your "word?"