Opening Page of the book Irish Light by Peter Cox
I believe I have mentioned before that as a kid I did a lot of fishing with my Dad and other family members. While my Dad could happily while away a few hours in the trout stream, if I'm not catching fish, I'm getting bored. So I would often do some hiking, or (even better) dirt biking to fill in the time.
With photography, we sometimes have similar moments (minutes/hours), waiting for the light or atmospheric conditions to put our subject "in the best light."
When on photo tours, I'll often fill in this time taking pictures of my friends. While I am always up for a "happy snap," that provides a memory for us, I'm more after something that shows my friends as photographers, in their landscape.
One morning up on Conor Pass we spent many cold minutes waiting for the sunrise. Which was more than worth it. Shortly before I took the shot above I had become interested in the morning glow of the grasses. They were wet and glistened with the day's first light. As I was working out how I might shoot them, our guide Peter Cox just happened to stroll right through.
Big tripod and view camera over his shoulder like a proper landscape photographer!
I quickly focused on him and fired off several frames. When we returned to breakfast at our hotel, many of us had our laptops out and were reviewing the morning's shoot. When John Barclay saw this image on my screen he got really excited, and explained that Peter was about to publish his first book, but had no picture of himself. He showed Peter my image and the rest, as they say, is history.
Here is a link to Peter Cox's website, and you can order his book there. In addition to my picture of him, there are many other attractive landscape images! In all seriousness, it's a gorgeous work. He happily ships worldwide. Tell him you are friend of mine and he just might inscribe it for you.