Last day of this series. This is the opening in the middle of one of the pools. Like I said in a prior post, when viewing from street level, you cannot see the bottom. The pools and waterfalls are meant to symbolize the loss of life and the physical void because of the attacks.
For me, the feeling was a bit different. The water falling, and falling again represent lives to me. These victims died and fell into the rubble, right on these sites. I'm a "water person" and I see water is life giving. So this water, flowing endlessly, to me represents the circle of life. We are born, we die, maybe we are born again, who really knows? But just like I am fascinated by ocean waves crashing on shore, the relentless and absolute nature of them, I believe these pools captured the same essence.
I also came away with a feeling of being awestruck by New Yorkers and their resilience. There has never been destruction like this on US soil. I can't even imagine the process of removing all the rubble. But in 2012 (i.e. when I went there), you have this glorious memorial, new buildings going up. They are a tough group.
I hope you have enjoyed this series and if so perhaps you could leave a comment about whether I succeeded in giving you a glimpse of the memorial and how it affected me.