Canon 6D, 24-70mm F/2.8, f/3.5, 1/1250, iso 800
In the junkyard, every car is injured, beat up or mangled in some way. This particular car though, gave me a bit of a giggle. Like an amateur fighter, where mostly he looks pretty good except.. what is it? Oh yes, that broken nose!
Felt like a black and white treatment would emphasize the nose not to mention the beautiful lines of our old warrior. In Topaz BW Effects, I ended up with a Platinum preset, then increased contrast, did some protect highlights to take the sheen off the hood, and gave it a bit of detail boost.
I find working in Topaz BWE to be by far the easiest way to achieve the black and white looks I have in my mind when I see a color image. Speaking of white, the color version is on the Continue link below. Let me know how you like this one?
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