Lovers Flight
Canon 6D, 70-200mm F/2.8, f/5.6, 1/1600, iso 320
Today makes five full years of daily blogging here at Dream Tomorrow, Live Today, Cherish Yesterday. And as they say "all good things come to an end."
I do really hope my blog has been a good thing for many people. I know it has for me. (Here is where it all started btw.)
I had planned on today's image to be from the same shoot as my initial post, but last night I was presented with this amazing scene and it spoke to me. I had walked out to take a picture of Mt. Rainier when I heard the eagle cry. I looked over that way and this pair was cavorting in the sky. About the time I got focused on them, they were in this position and I could include the wonderful sunset sky.
My initial goals for becoming a photo blogger were:
- Motivate me to shoot more often, improve my skills.
- Meet other photographers.
- Perhaps become more well known.
I succeeded with the first two. I quickly found out that if you want people to find your blog, you have to comment on other people's blogs. And that led to meeting quite a few people.
One of the most important of these folks is my (now) good friend John Barclay. We became blog buddies, and then I noticed he (and another great guy Dan Sniffin) did photography tours/workshops. I was living in Northern California and they had a workshop in The Palouse (Eastern WA). While I had never considered a workshop before, I signed up.
The trip was great and I had met a whole new set of friends. I did other tours with them (that have been documented here) and made many other friends. Photography is so much more fun when you do it with other people!
Those friendships also led to being invited on the Cuba trip. Which ended up being a life changing event for me because I injured my hip in a fall (I don't recall if I ever talked about that here).
Me with the one and only Tony Sweet, another friend I made through the
blogging and the Dan/John friendship.
January 2012, before the fall.
Dan, me (having lost 45+ pounds), John. June 2013.
My recovery (through physical therapy, another miracle in my life) from the hip injury prompted me to get serious about losing weight and getting fit. Without that fall in Cuba, I doubt all of this would have happened. Without the people I met through blogging, I would have never travelled to Cuba!
Since I'm still working my day job, I don't really have time to comment on many other blogs. I need time for my fitness routine. My comments have slowed to a crawl. Another issue for me is vacations. If I'm going to be gone for three weeks (which I plan to do often), it might take me an entire weekend to pre-load the blog.
So I think I'm calling it after five years. Here are my blog stats just for fun:
What's next for me? I'm not sure. One thing I want to do is get my own photography website updated, that poor pathetic thing. I always say I can't make time for that because of the blogging.
Maybe I'll post from time to time when I have something unique. I have pretty much lost interest in landscape photography, other than to be out doing it with friends. I have had opportunities to go Iceland, New Zealand, that kind of thing. But in truth I'd rather go back to NYC and do street photography.
I'd also love to get into video. But I know there's a big learning curve and it takes a lot of time. Maybe when I retire?
I'm going to do a couple of blurb books. I'll keep posting images on facebook from time to time.
A lot of people say I should do a food blog because cooking is my #2 hobby and I like creating and shooting dishes. I was looking for a recipe the other day, and found one on a food blog. She had done a wonderful job with the writing, shooting, and the dish itself. I was going to use her recipe and I thought "you know, I'll leave her a comment telling her how nice this page is, etc." I scroll down... She already has 112 comments on this one post!
So I don't think I'll do the food blog, again it is a time thing.
It's a wrap, at least for the daily posting. If you have enjoyed some of my posts and want to leave a parting comment, I'd appreciate that very much.
I'd like to say also that I really appreciate everyone that commented, or sent me an email with an attaboy. Especially super commenter and good friend Stephan D!
Until we meet again, whether virtually or hopefully in person.
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