Los Manos
Leica M9, 50mm F/2, f/4.8, 1/90, iso 160
We have been back from San Miguel de Allende for nearly a week now. Photographically speaking, it was an incredibly rich trip. Defiitely met or exceeded expectations. We met a lot of great new people. Thanks to John Barclay and Dan Sniffin for another excellent photo tour.
I knew ahead of time that we would be shooting some "models." In this case, ranch hand families. I very much looked forward to this opportunity, you know how much I like working with models. This time there was a language barrier, but that didn't present as many issues as cultural. I'm sure us gringo photogs seemed like aliens to these people rich from the earth itself. This gentleman here was also deaf.
But no matter, I'm going to make a connection with people I shoot in a setting like this if at all possible. In our group of photogs, we had one couple with a great deal of people shooting experience, all the way to "have never done it before." Working together (including some Spanish speakers in our group) we all did pretty well.
This was the one pose I pre-visualized before even heading to Mexico. Mi amigo here was so accommodating, it was just a pleasure to spend some time with him and try to bring to the image his sense of place.
A few thoughts on this image. Natural light. You know me, my favorite. We were part of the rancho casa, with lovely afternoon light coming in. We used a reflector to get some more light into this area. The background is a concrete wall. Looks a lot like those canvas/paper backdrops that photography companies sell, doesn't it? I was going to present it SOOC, but in the end I lowered the dark area just a bit wth curves and gave the image the tiniest hit of Clarity in LR.
Lastly, the richness of images from the Leica M9... Luscious.
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