Canon 1D mk III, 85mm f1.2, f1.2, 1/2000, iso 100
Product photography refers to taking a company's products, and creating images for various purposes, usually marketing/sales. This is a photographic area I enjoy a great deal.
An extended family member owns and is the designer of Ubuntu Jewelry. Check out her beautiful website I have done a little shooting for her, and thought I'd share a couple of images.
The designs to me speak of the earth and its elements. Rustic. They need to belong in nature, not on a piece of glass or something. I shot the image above last fall (obviously!). Went out into afternoon light, and I hung the necklace in a tree. I wanted a very small depth of field, thus the wide open f-stop, look what it does to the shutter speed!
Click on the link below for two more images.
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