I had a surprise planned for today, not a new image, but showing you how the fawn image I posted a couple of days ago was picked up for the cover of the weekly newspaper here on Bainbridge Island.The newspaper has a circulation of 10,000 - every household on the Island gets it no charge.
I have had images on Page 1 of a newspaper before, but not the entire cover. Kind of fun.
I was just about to create this post early this morning when my internet died. And my cable TV. And my home phone. I got an "all you can eat" package from Comcast. I didn't think about the fact that when Comcast goes down, I basically lose everything. Except cell coverage, which I used to call them. They sent a repair crew and just got it going. Some wiring fiasco down the road.
So that was my surprise! Maybe I need to start working a day ahead?
Anyway, click on the Continue link for the rest of the surprise. If my internet stays up!
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